UL Solutions Eyesafe Verification

UL Marketing Claim Verification Program for Blue Light and Privacy Screen Protection Products 

The UL Marketing Claim Verification program is available for blue light and privacy screen protection brands worldwide, with product marketing claims verified by UL Solutions using Eyesafe® Screen Accessory Requirements 2.1. The program enables consumers to compare the efficacy of blue light and privacy screen protection products used on phones, tablets, monitors and other electronics.

Eyesafe Screen Accessory Requirements 2.1 blue light managementEyesafe Screen Accessory Requirements 2.1 measure peak filtration at 435-440 nanometers (nm), the wavelength identified by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) and the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) as the range of blue light with the highest impact on the retina.1 In addition, products undergo evaluation for blue light toxicity reduction, correlated color temperature (CCT) shift and the amount of luminance reduction. The CCT and luminance metrics confirm that display colors remain vivid. These requirements are informed by eye care professionals and scientists to establish performance thresholds for blue light filtering screen protection products.

Upon verification, products are assigned a Radiance Protection Factor (RPF®), a metric that quantifies the amount of blue light protection a screen protector provides. The RPF scale ranges from RPF 20 to RPF 80, with higher numbers indicating greater blue light protection. It works similarly to SPF for sunscreen. The scale was developed by Eyesafe with input from doctors and healthcare leaders to offer a clear, standardized measure of blue light filtration to enhance consumer confidence and allow consumers to compare different products easily. UL Solutions will verify the RPF, which may be used for marketing purposes.

Process for UL Marketing Claim Verification and Marks

UL Solutions tests products using an objective, science-based protocol and evaluates the validity of each claim. Products are sent to UL Solutions for verification. When a product’s marketing claim has been Verified, customers receive a UL Eyesafe Verified Mark with the Verified claim, a marketing toolkit, a unique identifier and a page on verify.UL.com. For more information, please complete the form below.

UL Marketing Claim Verification Mark



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